On-Site Videography & Editing
Engaging videography to showcase every detail.
Away Capture does video production for contractors and industrial work products. Our videographers have operated in a wide variety of different trades - both behind and in front of the camera - and leverage their firsthand experience in the work environment. That understanding of the work industry infuses the final edited content. Our videographers incorporate different videography formats into the final edited videos, including handheld, GoPro and drone videos shot on active jobsites. The final videos can be used in social media, on websites, and to sell content to new partners.
Our team excels in all active jobsites, and is quick to learn and understood new environments. That said, we have experience providing jobsite photography services in these industries:
Oil and gas
Wind power
General construction
Rebar and concrete
Manufacturing and warehousing
Excavation and mining
Our videography services include:
Jobsite progress updates via videography
On-site product video services for heavy machinery, tools and workwear
Self-shot or provided video editing services for work industry projects
Short, engaging content for industrial work products and construction contractors
Our videographers know that the best edited videos don’t happen from shooting the same angle over and over. We mix multiple video mediums to give context to work sites from all different perspectives, and bring storytelling to a typical worksite.
Industrial products deserve model treatment, too. We celebrate the technical details of work products with dramatic lighting and macro videography.